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Lost Oboe - Sound Alchemy Enigma, serial no.: MB746.

Oboe left in cab in early hours of WED 21 SEP. Model is a Sound Alchemy

Enigma, serial no.: MB746. It was in a light 'Yanko' brown wooden box, in turn
within a black acrylic outer cover, which has 'laminate' stickers on it
& Abbey Rd Orchestral Pass No. 0568. Inside box is a silver reed box
engraved with name Dom Kelly. It also has a unique bell which has dimples on
the inner surface of the bore as follows :-

lost oboe
It's also engraved Yanko Petrov / Sound Alchemy on the bell. Please keep your eyes peeled. Reward for return.

m: +44 (0)1306 500022

admin on September 21 2011 21:59:36
OboeProfiles.com - Complete Relaunch!

Oboe Profiles - a brand new website for Oboists.

We have just finished work on a complete revision of OboeProfiles.com. We have been working hard to create a site which we feel will be an invaluable resource to oboists around the world. Here are just a few of the new features at OboeProfiles.com:

  • Oboist Search Facility - We have created an enhanced search facility which allows you to easily locate oboists and oboe teachers near to you. We have added lots of options for filtering the results. Since we are a new site, you probably will not need all these filters yet. As we grow, however, their usefulness should become apparent.

  • New Graphical Design - We've spent a lot of time trying to get the appearance of OboeProfiles.com just right. We hope you like our new design!

  • Uploads - We have made the audio / video upload facility clearer and more reliable. We have increased the maximum upload size (for all files) to 32MB, meaning that you can even host 4 minute video tracks (or hour-long audio tracks) on your profile.

We hope that you find OboeProfiles.com useful, and would of course appreciate your feedback concerning the website. If you feel that there are any features you would like or things that could be improved, please do not hesitate to let us know. Your feedback helps us to improve OboeProfiles.com.

admin on January 08 2010 13:31:57
Welcome to oboeprofiles.com. This site is an international website with search facilities for over 30 countries. Using our postcode search is easy and efficient, giving you access to scores of musicians across the globe.

We currently support the following countries:

Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States.

admin on May 20 2009 18:49:47
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